Monday, November 24, 2008

Fall Crops

The Milo Grogan Fall planting has come and gone with mixed success. Initial intentions were well meaning. Seeds were sown in mid-October and covered with soil just in time for the "Columbus Hurricane." Luckily the seeds stayed put, pushed through the dirt, and grew us some greens! Unfortunately, it became challenging to rally enough support to maintain the garden and watering became, as usual, a problem. Consequently, the plants were not given the right amount of love an nourishment needed to fully grow.

Luckily, we were able to harvest some Arugula and Mustard Greens and received some Chard and Collards from the Garden next door at Milo Arts. A friend and I just sat down to enjoy some of these with our lunch and the greens were delicious!

We learned the hard way though how quickly the frost can kill your crops and didn't harvest everything in time. We probably lost 90% of the food that we planted become of this and also because of inadequate watering and care.

So the growing seasons ends with mixed feelings and results, but it was nonetheless a learning experience that I have grown from. Many people received and enjoyed the food that we grew and had to offer and that has made the journey for the first year of the Milo Grogan Starr Garden a good one. Wish us luck for the next growing season!

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