Saturday, May 24, 2008

First day of planting!

Big day and great weather today for the first planting at Milo Grogan! Thanks to everyone who came out and helped and the neighbors that made a point to stop by and say hello. Also thanks for Elijah on the corner cleaners for the use of his water.

Today we planted lots including a variety of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower, collard greens, zucchini, melons, herbs, and flowers. In the next few days we will finish up the majority of the planting with rows of corn, carrots, watermelons and sunflowers.

We hope to continue to get together every Saturday and encourage neighborhood members to come and help out. As Zack said, "pitch in and pitch out"... meaning, when it comes time to harvest, all who have helped can join in on the plenty.

We are trying to start a mailing list to keep people informed via email of upcoming events or news. If you are interested in joining please email:

Here are some photos of the big day:

Zack planting a row of pepper starts

Dave and Patrick making rows for the raised beds

Ellie plants petunias!

Peace to you too Lorian

End of the day results:

Go Milo Go!

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