Monday, July 28, 2008

H2 - OooooHHH

Dave watered the garden this Saturday... hopefully we'll get some rain coming through this week. Garden is looking good... some of the Roma tomatoes are getting blossom-end rot, I hope to get out the next few days and buy some calcium-spray which apparently helps solve the issue.

We have been pretty consistant with getting some people out on Saturdays to help. Usually trying to be there around 1 - 1 30. Come out and help weed or water and grab some Milo-grown veggies, *mostly* organic, on your way out!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sweet Like Candy

Got a handful of our first ripe tomatoes today... quite possibly one of the best things there is to eat... sweet like candy! Also first sunflowers bloomed last week, they are almost black in color.

So this is how brussel sprouts grow...

Melons are fuzzy when they are small.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Helping Hands Indeed!

Welcome new neighbors Robbin and Dale! We are excited to share the space with them and gain some gardening wisdom as well.

Hope to see some people out this Saturday at 1pm! Garden is looking HOT.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Taming the Jungle

Got a ton done this weekend and I think it's safe to say that the jungle is finally tamed... at least for now.

This week we will continue with our late staking of tomatoes. Apparently this should be done much sooner in the gardening game... learning that lesson the long, laborious way...