Lots of rain equals lots of happy plants. It also equals a lot of happy weeds. Everywhere. A jungle of little green monsters. We are all very pleased though to see the vegetables really taking off. We had our first harvest too - of red leaf lettuce, a cucumber, and a couple zucchinis. The fruits of our labor! How rewarding!
Now all we need is a Community to share it with. Turns out it's a bigger job than expected to maintain this little (or not so little?) garden of ours. With the majority of time spent on weeding and keeping things tidy, it's difficult to find time for community organizing and rallying. Hope to change this as the season grows on...Patrick smiles at a handful of red leaf lettuce, given to us from Chris at Four Seasons City Farm.
A diamond in the weeds!
Collards flapping in the wind. Patrick and Suzie in the jungle.
Zucchini blossoms. I've read these are edible, stuff them with ricotta perhaps?
Chomp chomp.
It's hard to tell where the weeds end and the vegetables begin, isn't it?
Our first cuke!
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Garden is a Monster
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Planted corn and watermelon seeds this weekend...Paul preps soil for corn.
Rock bed above to be filled with dirt below. Rocks and soil salvaged from some sort of demolish or remodeling (not sure) and given to us thanks to Zack and Patrick.Rocks also used between beds to help controls weeds.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Mimus Polyglottos
Got a lot done this week. Neighbors have been helping tend the garden by watering and an offering of grass clippings which was used for mulch. The giant pile of rocks have been turned into bed pathways to prevent weeds and make new raised beds. Got a bit of help today too from some people stopping by... weeding... moving rocks for beds...
All done in sunny weather while listening to a Mockingbird across the street singing head high while perched on a graffitied billboard.